Thursday, December 12, 2019

Misdirection (comedy) Sarcasm

   I've always loved a good bait and switch. Dual comedy acts such as Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy and Penn and Teller are all masters of Misdirection Comedy. What gives this type of comedy an edge, has got to be without a doubt, sarcasm. They did have an advantage however; they planned and plotted their sarcastic remarks towards each other.  Although hilarious, it is an entirely different thing to engage someone on the spot, with little or no planning.

   In the"good old days", it seemed people were a tad bit more gullible then they are today, so it was easy for them to spoof or make someone look the fool. Today, with everyone having an infinite amount of information in their hands at all times, it's more difficult to mock someone. Unless of course, you present your sarcasm in a very convincing way.
 Although seemingly simple, this form of sarcasm can be quite difficult to deliver. Some are born with it, and some learn it by listening to tons of dad jokes as a child. Either way, practicing this art, and building on your skills can help to make ur presentation more believable.....

Knowledge is power when it comes to misdirectional comedic sarcasm. And using that knowledge to convince someone else that they truly need blinker fluid, or maybe that they need to change the winter air in their car tires can turn into something that is magically hilarious.
  One word of warning though; know your limits with the person you are trying to spoof. Most times, with a little conversation, you can figure out what truly scares the person or maybe what their knowledge is on a certain subject. Pick the wrong prank on the wrong person and you may end up with a few missing teeth. 

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