Friday, December 13, 2019


I have lived long enough to realize that there is a challenge to living. That challenge is complicated. If we were able to function completely alone, which we are not, it would be easy. Humans are extremely social creatures and depend on the company of others for their our own survival. This is where things become complicated....
   People are opinionated. That is never going to change. The degree to which they are opinionated is what effects you as an individual the most. How they handle your opinions comes in close second.
  I would just like to say that I am not a doctor nor do I have a PHD. I've never studied psychology and I have never read anything written by Freud. I am not an expert on anything.....anything except for me. It took me years of mistakes to learn what I am about to share with you.
  1. Believe and let believe. Believe in yourself. Believe in your abilities. Believe in what ever faith makes you feel good. Allow others to do the same without ridicule.
  2. Live and let live. Live your life the way you want. Put beer on your cereal if it tastes good to you. Shave your head. Go commando. Allow others to do the same without ridicule.
  3. Do and let do. Do everything that crosses your mind. Do everything once. Challenge yourself. Do what you want, when you can. Allow others to do the same without ridicule.
  4. Be and let be. Be who you want. Become your own hero. Be someone who makes you smile when you look in the mirror. Be someone that you are proud of. Allow others to do the same without ridicule.

  Never Judge.

Only have an opinion about opinionated people. Remove only those from your life who refuse to allow you the respect to become who you were supposed to be. And if in the end you are alone, you just might find that you are happy with yourself.

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