Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What is sarcasm to you?

Sarcasm can be ?

  • Outlet 
  • Inlet Or Icebreaker 
  • extinguisher
  • funny
  • mean
  • offensive 
  • charming 

I personally think sarcasm is an art, Some people can just use it in any situation and then some use it inappropriately. 

I don't think you should ever use the art to harm someone or make them feel miserable that makes you a piece of shit and a bully. Its not sarcasm to make fun of someones looks, ability's, disability's, race etc. you don't always have to cuss or sound like a predator, stalker or Killer  Lmao 

Do you think it takes a special kind of person to pick up on sarcasm?

I personally think if the person on the receiving end of the sarcasm does not hold an open mind it can be received the wrong way, typically the person speaking it doesn't care, but could turn violent or into an irritable situation.

We use sarcasm in movies, music, daily live (maybe under our breath).... 

Various groups are popping up with sarcasm, humor and jokes as an outlet or a get away from a much too serious life. we use this sarcasm in movies, music and now we are back to picture with words ( MEME'S) but they seem to get the point across with a little imagination. 

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