Thursday, December 12, 2019

Are they Politicians or Comedians???

First and foremost I would like to thank Mr. Google for providing me all the data that I need for this one of the most informative blog that you might find in internet now.😂😝😜 (Seems like I am in beauty pageant with my intro) 😏😏😏. Let me cut my nonsense intro and take you to the journey of funny/hilarious, awkward moment of some  politicians.
Are you embarrassed of farting in public places? Are you ashamed of being clumsy? Well after reading this you might be proud of your clumsiness. If you think that it is just ordinary people do funny/hilarious things, well think again.
Here are the top ten politicians who aren’t aware of what they are doing in public places. Which made me ask my self, “Are they Politicians or Comedians?”

10. Leader Jeremy Corbyn and  Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry.

“ Is it natural or silicon.”

9. House Speaker John Boehner's (R-Ohio), House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.)

“Later tonight darlin.”

8. Sen. John McCain, Pres. Barack Obama

“I want your ass.” 

7. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne

“Pink is my choice”.

6. Alberta former Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith

“Got my breast implant”

5. former President George W. Bush

“ I saw rooster inside”

4. China’s Vice Premier Wang Qishan (right) US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

“Limbo Limbo  Rock”

3. Vice President Joe Biden

“Tacos please”

2. President George W. Bush

“Quite obvious, babies don’t like me.”

1.German Chancellor Angela Merkel

“ I am expert on this “

I mean no harm to anyone exposing this funny/ hilarious politicians awkward moments. I want to make it clear to everyone that even politicians could do strange things as well.
After reading those awkward moments of politicians, do you still feel embarrass farting in public?

Farting out loud in public places is not a crime as well as illegal possession of ugly face.

(Credit to the owner of the photos)
(A big thanks to my friend Fred Gray for helping me out.)

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My Last Xmas.   Yup. You read it correctly. This will be the last year I celebrate xmas. For me, it's not a matter or religion or b...