Thursday, December 12, 2019


Some quick stops down controversy 2019. 

After a short succseful revamp on a first season, Roseanne Barr was cracking jokes or being serious with her racial comments? Roseanne has always been a crass individual and known for speaking what’s on her mind that is what the country loved about her and prompted over 230 episodes and 10 seasons. 

We as a population I think are becoming to sensitive and to politically correct. Sometimes we just have to see where things go and not remove something just because a few people got offended, what about those who are offended about it being removed. Why exactly does the offended party automatically rank?

Boy begs dad not to call the cops on trespasser!
Ok so I don’t agree with making people identify them selves in public, in a parking lot or any public space. But With this being said I agree with this man calling the police to make sure his building stayed secured, the other man was being a dick and made it seem like it was all about race. When he knew he was bypassing security at the door and could have just been a decent human being and told the man that lives in the building and pays for the security at the building along with multiple other residents. And put the mind at ease with some justification he belongs in the mans building it’s not like it’s a parking lot, what if there was an elderly person with the door cracked open knowing there is security buzzers and some random person just walked in while I was leaving would you not be concerned for your neibors saftey, LoL what if it was a Violant ex you just let in? 

What’s a conterversal story you have heard about and where does your opinion come from? Let us know in the comments below!

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