Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When sarcasm went wrong...

Before I start my blog let me give you a brief definition of the word sarcasm…
Sarcasm is derived from the French word sarcasmor and also from the Greek word sarkazein, which means “tear flesh,” or “grind the teeth.” In simple words it means to speak bitterly. Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remarks tempered by humor. People use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish. Sarcasm often depends upon the voice  tone  which is why it works better verbally.
There are different types of sarcasm:
Self-Deprecating Sarcasm – This category of sarcasm expresses an overstated sense of inferiority and worthlessness.
Brooding Sarcasm – In this criticism, the speaker utters something polite. However, the tone of his speech has a marked bitterness to it.
Deadpan Sarcasm – It is expressed without emotion or laughter, making it difficult for the listener to judge whether the speaker is joking or mocking.
Polite Sarcasm – A speaker is said to have delivered a polite sarcasm when his listeners only get to realize that his kind remark was a sarcastic one after they had given it some thought.
Manic Sarcasm – This type of sarcasm is delivered in an unnatural happy mood, which makes the speaker look like he has gone crazy.
Raging Sarcasm – This kind of sarcasm relies mainly on exaggeration  and violent threats.
“The main gist of sarcasm is that the words are not meant to be taken literally.”
Enough of my dumb introduction. Let me share you my own experienced of failed sarcasm.
I joined this group of sarcasm two months ago. I can say this is the coolest group I’ve ever joined in. For the past two months I have lots of experiences to share. I’ve met different kind of people. I learned, let say “bad words” that even Merriam Webster has difficulties in defining those words. Like “fucktard” which mean fucking retard, “aershole” for asshole. “Snowflakes” for sensitive person, “butthurt” when someone’s post get into your nerve. And a lot of different phrases that if you are a narrow minded person will surely hurt your ass.
Aside from words/phrases I’ve learned, there’s a worst experienced I wanna share. I called it “failed sarcasm.”

I mean no harm to anyone when I posted that sarcastic quotes.  But I hit someone with the word “retard .” She totally missed the context of my post. To make my story short , arguments spread out, moderators and other members got involved. I didn’t expect that this sarcastic quotes will lead to disposal of three hundred group members.
I am sharing this experience to emphasize the real meaning of sarcasm. Sarcasm isn’t learned from watching Sesame Street. If you are not witty, bold and broad minded person, there is no chance for you to be sarcastic. No single chance for you  to understand the real meaning of sarcasm . And most importantly, you don’t belong in a  sarcastic group of people.

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