Tuesday, December 17, 2019

"Safe spaces"

I think anytime i hear some asshole talk about 'safe spaces' my biggest confusion is what they honestly got against people feeling safe. And I think the answer is, these people don't know how to live life without fear. They grew up afraid of parents and adults ( teachers, preachers ect) and they live a life with that fear as their foundation. They were raised in fear and they raised their children with fear. They think fear equals respect, fear equals authority. Might makes right attitude. You're not going to convince someone with decades of using that logic that it is wrong because they are actually terrified to think about those things,they will refuse to think about it so resort to dismissal and deflection.

The same generation that refer to God and their relationship to it as "god-fearing'  don't describe God as someone who has a capacity of forgiveness and goodness and tolerance and joy they describe God as someone or something you fear. They spread that fear like a virus. They don't like the concept of "safe spaces" because it's a direct attack to the core of their belief system: that the only way to be strong and powerful is through using that fear through violence and controlling others with fear is fundamentally how the entire world still functions.

The "boomer" generation and to a degree tbh the generation after them still needs to feel stronger than others that are incapable of "hacking it" because to them that means they are stronger than the fear they constantly feel, and they are vindicated when they can "hack" it but they see that others find themselves "weak" against the fear. What does being weak mean? Asking for help, questioning the morality of mistreatments to certain people, demanding fairness where there was none before, all of these are things a "weak" person does. Because they have convinced themselves that strength means surviving these obstacles rather than what strength really is, which is standing up to these obstacles.

Fear saw your fellow man that was once a slave or born from a slave drinking from a white only fountain and and fear said " That makes sense, cause they should be thankful they get to be free, freedom is what makes America what we are, they should be grateful for the right to drink our water even if it's not from the same fountain, good reason, they're still the savage type, we don't belong together, "like that" " . Fear accepts authority even when authority is wrong.  The nation gives authority and the fearful submits to it. Bravery stands up to that fear and says fuck your white only fountain, imma drink from that fountain. There will be never justice in this one topic until the last white man gets the absolutely asinine notion that p.o.c should be 'grateful' for what they 'allowed' them to have. That same mentality has targeted other demographics besides p.o.c its also targeted , disabled, mentally ill, LGBT, and women.

Truthfully these " safe space" cynics are a really lost cause.  They can't see or understand what you are trying to explain to them when you try to discuss certain topics because they fear what it means to do so and they know their limitations. They know they aren't strong enough to accept the truth. The truth is that fear is used to control people and they are the very people it's controlled and they have lived their life bound by that fear.

Imagine realizing you spent 60+ years living a life according to choices you made rooted in fear. You would realize your life has been a morally devastating mistake. That's a self-awareness most people wouldn't want to face. It takes way too much accountability. Accountability is something you have to be brave to do and these types don't deal with fear using bravery, they submit to it. Its the worse kind of irony. They think they are the strong ones because perhaps they have had to survive or kill in this world, all for some man-made cause usually involving war but they will never understand the only truly strong ones are those that have learned that you can't scare respect out of people, you can't Stockholm's syndrome love out people, you can't kill or torture or destroy everything and consider it "problem solved". These people have suppressed every emotion in them except self-love and fear and eventually, that turns to anger as they get older. And not for nothing but Yoda wasn't wrong the shit leads to suffering, usually that suffering happens to people around them but it leads to their suffering in its own way, they just put alcohol and self-vindication on top of it and call it strength.

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